・ 動物、鳥類
・ 著しく悪臭を発するもの
・ 著しく多量な物品
・ 火薬や揮発油など、発火あるいは引火しやすいもの
・ 適法に所持を許可されていない銃砲、刀剣類
・ 大麻、麻薬、覚せい剤等
・ 外出の際は戸の施錠をご確認ください。
・ 宿泊登録者以外の無断利用またはご宿泊は堅くお断りいたします。
・ 現金、その他貴重品はお持ちいただくか、セキュリティーボックスをご利用ください。
・ 近隣へご迷惑になるようなもののお持ち込み、行為は堅くお断りいたします。
・ お持ち込みになったものは、適切に片付けごみの分別を行ってください。
・ 小さなお子様には、常に大人がご同伴ください。
・ Staff Only(スタッフオンリー)が付いている収納や戸棚を開けないでください。用意されている備品(アメニティ・リネン・寝具)以外の無断利用はお断りいたします。
・ 施設内は泥酔した状態でご利用なさらないでください。
・ 施設内での賭博および風紀をみだすような行為は禁止しております。
6.1 喫煙や吸殻等の持ち込み:ハウスクリーニング費用 33,000円
6.2 花火やバーベキュー:クリーニング費用 55,000円
6.3 禁止物の持ち込み:ハウスクリーニング費用 55,000円
6.4 宿泊登録者以外の無断利用・ご宿泊:お一人 30,000円
6.5 用意されている備品以外の無断利用:クリーニング費用実費
6.6 おねしょ等による寝具の汚損:お布団一組クリーニング費用 5,500円
6.7 吐しゃ物の処理:ハウスクリーニング費用 55,000円
The area is lined with wooden houses.
In order to protect the building and prevent fires, we prohibit the use of fire arms, etc. inside the facility, in the yard, and on the street in front of the facility.
We ask that you please observe the following:
Smoking (including electronic cigarettes), fireworks and barbecues are prohibited.
Prior application is required to use the fire in Irori (open hearth).
Please check the evacuation route map posted at the entrance.
Bringing such items as the following into our facility is prohibited.
・ Animals, birds
・ Items that emit a noticeably bad odor
・ Items in significant quantities
・ Explosives, volatile oils, or other items that are likely to ignite or catch fire
・ Firearms and swords, etc. that are not lawfully authorized for possession
・ Marijuana, narcotics, stimulants, etc.
In the event of causing damage, defacement, or loss of furnishing, please notify us and you will be requested to reimburse the actual cost. If you do not report it and it is discovered later, you will be billed based on your registration information.
・ Please make sure your door is locked when you go out.
・ Unauthorized use or stay by anyone other than the person registered to stay is strictly prohibited.
・ Please keep cash and other valuables with you or use the security box.
・ Bringing in items and actions that may cause inconvenience to the neighborhood is strictly prohibited.
・ Please clean up your belongings and separate your garbage properly.
・ Small children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
・ Please do not open any storage or cupboards marked Staff Only. Unauthorized use of any furnishings other than those provided (amenities, linens, bedding) is not permitted.
・ Please do not use the facility while intoxicated.
・ Gambling and any other activities that may be offensive to public morals are prohibited in the facility.
In the event that of causing damage to the facility due to a violation of the Terms of Use, the higher of the following costs as the actual costs or the cost equivalent to the actual costs will be billed.
6.1 Smoking and bringing cigarette butts, etc.: 33,000 yen as house cleaning cost
6.2 Fireworks or barbecue: 55,000 yen as cleaning cost
6.3 Bringing in prohibited items: 55,000 yen as house cleaning cost
6.4 Unauthorized use or lodging by anyone other than the person registered to stay: 30,000 yen per person
6.5 Unauthorized use of furnishings other than those provided: Actual cleaning cost
6.6 Soiling of bedding due to bed-wetting, etc.: 5,500 yen as cleaning cost of a set of bedding
6.7 Disposal of vomit: 55,000 yen as house cleaning cost
Prior application is required.
Please enjoy yourself with caution of fire according to the “Guide to Use”.
Revised: March 13, 2024
10:00 以降は清掃に入らせていただきます。
3日前から :宿泊料金の100%
7日前から :宿泊料金の50%
14日前から :宿泊料金の20%
30日前から :宿泊料金の10%